Sunday, August 4, 2013

connor praire, 2012

My second event was an actual battle reenactment, at Connor prairie. I had a good time, even though it was extremely hot, and I was not used to this yet. I had to borrow all of my gear, and messed everybody up in drill, causing at least one near head on collision. (I am kind of proud of that for some reason).  But people say I am a quick learner, and I guess that proved to be true, because I caught on pretty quick, to just do as everybody else does for most stuff. The first battle of the weekend, I used only caps for the musket, but I proved myself so well, they let me use the actual cartridges the next day. I Bought a pack of partridges from fall creek sutlery, who had a tent at that event, and the only problem I had with them is the wadding it them makes it hard to ram down when doing demonstrations for people.

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